— Labor market data —

Labor market decisions always rely on valid data.
We have these data – including yours!


archived vacancies (since 2012)


job ads (current)


page views by job seekers (per month)

Societal trends at a glance

The entirety of job ads is a valid economic indicator and serves as a leading indicator for employment and other economically relevant trends.

Job ads reveal, in real-time, quantifiable developments of the entire economy, specific industries, or regions, down to the level of individual companies. These developments can be used and analyzed as indicators by banks, insurance companies, academia, or in the field of economic development.

In-depth knowledge about professions

Did you know that “SEO” was a rarely mentioned skill in online marketing vacancies 10 years ago, then established itself as a profession, and now occupies an entire industry? We did. And we know this for every profession, every skill, and much more.
Do you want to know which professions or tasks are increasingly in demand, being performed by Mechanical Turks, or being replaced by hardware/software? We know.

Understand tomorrow’s working world

“Imagine a world where you could predict the skills your organization will need in the future.” We can do it – not perfectly, but well enough to significantly improve your decisions.

Assessing competitors correctly

Bet you don’t know what you should know about your competitors’ skills shortages! A real example: Two large pharmaceutical companies at the same location are unaware that the other company has difficulty finding lab specialists, but has less trouble finding IT professionals. And vice versa! Also, we know your recruitment strengths and weaknesses. We would be happy to inform you about your competitors in this regard.

Labor market (real-time) data

How is the labor market developing? Which professions have the most job openings? Which industries have the most vacancies or the fewest? Which employers are seeing the largest increase or decrease in the number of job ads?

Optimization of educational offerings

Fine-tune your training programs:

  • Develop educational offerings that will be in demand in the future as well.
  • Name your training programs in a way that resonates best in practice.
  • Adapt the content and objectives to the needs and requirements of the economy.

Example for naming study program (PDF in German)

Swiss Jobradar

Register for the Swiss Joradar and receive a quarterly overview of the Swiss job market – for free.

Data-driven acquisition and recruitment

In which industries, regions, job clusters, or even with which employers can I succeed with specific profiles?

Example of a performance analysis for a recruitment agency (PDF in German)

Use labor market data

Would you like to use labor market data for your own purpose?
We’ll be happy to show you the possibilities in a non-binding conversation.

Get in touch with us!

x28 AG
Seestrasse 40
CH-8800 Thalwil

+41 43 305 77 49


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