— Services —

Generate knowledge from data,
gain insights, and translate trends

You won’t find any other company that collects, analyzes, and processes so much labor market data for one country – Switzerland – on a daily basis, with such long-standing and meticulous effort. This results in rich knowledge, relevant insights, and enlightening trends, as well as a skills ontology which is a global leader.

Labor market data

Renowned experts from academia, journalism, and politics assess our data quality as very high – even unique! No other company in Switzerland possesses such comprehensive, detailed, and up-to-date labor market data.

Skills ontology

120,000 skills, 50-80 tasks per profession, 2,600 professions and 145,000 of their synonyms, semantic search/matching, and much more enable you to elevate your workforce or skills management, your HR or job tools to a whole new level.


Use all (!) your employees’ skills and create added value to recruiting, upskilling, reskilling, and business in general. With our extensive skills data, we can help you unlock your potential, even in the face of a skills’ shortage.


Profilmatcher allows you to gain access to all open positions in Switzerland. Learn more about the No. 1 tool for Swiss recruitment agencies! (Available in German and French)

Job platforms

Do you want to provide your target audience with all job ads in your region, industry, or from selected companies in the future?

In collaboration with jobchannel ag, we can create a customized job platform for you within 3 weeks, tailored to your target audience and your website’s look and feel.

The integration is completely effortless for you. Benefit from increased traffic, longer visit duration on your website, and much more.

Job ad crawling

x28 AG crawls all job ads directly from company websites. With currently over 250,000 job listings in Switzerland, we are by far the leader in this field.

Via our API, we can provide you with whatever you need – all vacancies, vacancies from specific regions or industries, only blue-collar vacancies, or all job ads from selected companies, and more.

Get in touch with us!

x28 AG
Seestrasse 40
CH-8800 Thalwil

+41 43 305 77 49


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