— About us —


We are a cool team that is committed to a labor market without unemployment and helps companies to find suitable candidates more quickly.

Cornelia Schlatter
Account Management

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Eva Pauline Bossow
Skills Advisor

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Sylvia Gyr
Executive Management

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Timotheus Olbrich
Sales & Project Management
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Christian Katzbach
Sales Support

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Christof Artho
Online Marketing / Product Development
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Felix Busch
Head of Data & Analytics

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Irene Artho
Online Marketing / Head of Content Team
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Laura Mehnert
Content Marketing

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Jelena Vukadin
Content Marketing

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Hannah Vögeli
Content Marketing

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Marianne Müller
Contact Center / Content Marketing
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Louis Aslaksen

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Alexander Azhakathu

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Lasse Vittinghoff
Online Marketing

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Marco Mehnert
Head of Operations & Support
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Christiane Voigt
Product Support

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Felix Stählin
System Engineering

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Irene Wyrsch
Project Collaboration

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Kai Grabow
Operations & Support / Crawling
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Lukas Loehrer
System Engineering / Software Development
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Felix Precker
System Engineering / Software Development
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Manuel Schmidt
Software Development

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Marcel Blattner
Data Science

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Matthias Hewelt
Software Development

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Michael Schuckert
Operations & Support / Crawling
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Sascha Wolski
Head of Software Development
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Yves Bierotte
Operations & Support / Crawling
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Bianca Kabus
Product Support

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Christian Hanisch
BOD Member

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Cornel Müller
BOD Member

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Flavio Battaini
COB / Delegate of the Board of Directors

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We as employer

Good reasons to collaborate with us – if you’re interested in more than just a paycheck, we have a lot to offer.

Young and old

Our oldest employee was born in 1933

Interesting projects

At the technological forefront

Exciting environment

In the field of job and career platforms as well as recruiting

Flat hierarchies

A friendly work environment with shared lunches

Modern working arrangements

(Almost) tailored to individual preferences (remote work, part-time, flexible hours)

Free choice of hardware

Most important: you feel comfortable!

Open positions

Currently, our team is complete.

More jobs

Not the right fit for you? On our job platforms, we list ALL jobs in Switzerland. You’re sure to find something here:


Where you’ll find us.

We operate two offices: one directly at the Lake of Zurich in the heart of Switzerland, and a branch in beautiful Magdeburg, the capital of Saxony-Anhalt.

Seestrasse 40
CH-8800 Thalwil

Zum Handelshof 7
DE-39108 Magdeburg